Based on Google Trends Data Analysis
South Carolina has highest search volumes for phrases "Sell house", "move house" and "move home"
North Carolina has 3rd highest proportion searching for "moving home"
#3 Arkansas
Based on the Study, people in Arkansas wants to relocate to Texas.
#4 Georgia
Georgia has the third-highest population ratio searching for both terms "move house" and "sell house"
#5 Alabama
Alabama has 12th highest search volume ranking for "move house".
#6 Delaware
Delawareans are second highest searcher for term "mortgage"
#7 Texas
Texas has the ninth-highest population ratio searching for "move house".
#8 Ohio
Ohio has the ninth-highest level of searches for the term ‘sell house’ and the third-highest for the search term ‘houses for sale’
#9 Kentucky
Kentucky ranks sixth for the term ‘houses for sale’.
#10 Indiana
Indiana is the eighteenth of 50 states searching for a “Mortgage”.