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Just so we all are on the same page; I will not be going over library card in general in this post.
I will talk about the Houston Public Library (HPL) library card and its perks. By doing this, I can accomplish two things,
First, I can brag about how awesome it is to be a Houstonian. (Wink, Wink)
Second, you’ll get an idea about how beneficial a library card can be.
Houston Public Library is an organization that runs 44 public service units and serves all the people of greater Houston. With a slogan “Linking YOU to the World”, HPL enhances literacy and access to education to every part of the community.
All residents of State of Texas, with a valid physical address can sign up for a free account. For non-residents, the annual fee of $40 per year applies. Registration is fairly simple and can be done online. Once registered, you’ll receive a library card number in mail within minutes and the benefits that comes with a membership is available to you instantly. If you’ll be accessing library contents online, this is all you need. However, you’d need to “My Link Card”, should you prefer to visit library and access the contents. “My Link Card” can be obtained at any library after online registration.
With that registration, you just opened the door of opportunities!
Let me go over the door of opportunities so you’d know what I’m talking about.
Pool of Contents
I’m not only talking about the books, catalogs, library collections. The HPL membership gives you access to eBooks, streaming music, movies, audio books, libraries over 130 databases. Members have access to not only HPL pool of contents but books from another library can be requested through Inter Library Loan (ILL).
Free Access to LinkedIn Learning
Anyone who knows about, the online training platform, should also know LinkedIn Learning. LinkedIn acquired in 2015 for $1.5 Billion dollar. now LinkedIn Learning has massive online training courses taught by industry professionals carefully curated to meet careers goals.
With HPL membership, you’ll get free access to LinkedIn Learning.
Yes, you heard it right!
The subscription which will otherwise cost you $29.99 per month is literally free. Yes, thanks to my HOUSTON. Back in school, I would kill for this free subscription (just an analogy). LinkedIn Learning is a gold mine for anyone who wants to learn anything (and I mean it) and HPL provides you a free path to get there.
Once you’re registered, just log on the LinkedIn learning using your membership information. You’ll have your profile ready for you. From there on, you’re ready to take on any training of your liking.
LinkedIn Learning is not the only online training benefit you’ll received.
It gets better!
You’ll get access to Universal Class, Learning Express Library, Mango Languages, Brainfuse – Adult Learning Center, The great Courses (At Kanopy).
Free Subscription to Wall Street Journal
Everybody knows this New York City based daily newspaper for its American Business focused articles.
Yes, I’m talking about Wall Street Journal (WSJ), in another term knows as Journal.
The paper publishes high quality articles related to business and finances. The access to WSJ content is not always free and cost up to $4 per month unless you know one two tricks to unlock it for free for life.
One of the ways to unlock WSJ to access free content is by using technics explained in this article by Business Insider. At times, Business Insider lock their content and you can’t pass their pay $1 window therefore, I’ll share better way to read WSJ for free.
You guess it right!
HPL membership will give you free access to WSJ. All you’ll need to do is, connect your HPL membership information (card number and pin) with WSJ. With this you can access, WSJ publication at no cost.
Free subscription to New York Times
If you’re looking for a free subscription to New York Times, HPL has you covered.
As a HPL member, you get free unlimited access to New York Times. You can access the page using the weblink from HPL newspaper section. After clicking the New York Times, you’ll be directed to the NYT webpage with a unique redemption code that provides access to general digital access to NYT. You’ll only need to add your email address and all set.
Did you know all the benefits shared in the article that a public library has? Houstonian can enjoy all the free benefits that Houston Public Library offers. If there are any other hidden benefits that you’ve found out in your public library, don’t forget to drop a comment below.
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